Nurture, Sustain and Restore

The State of our Black Boys - Nurture, Restore, Sustain flyer


CHARLOTTE, NC - Targeting African-American males ages 12-20 years old, Nurture, Sustain and Restore is an event featuring six leading African-American men on the forefront of addressing challenges of our young Black males and is scheduled for July 19, 2018, 6-8:30pm at Weeping Willow AME Zion Church.

The event features an adult male panel comprised of the following actively engaged community leaders: (names here), as well as a youth led panel consisted of young men ages 12-20 that have overcome adverse conditions and achieved successes both person and academic.

From 6-6:30 pm a summer opportunity option fair where families can interact with vendors from the YMCA, Park & Rec, the Public Library, CMS Parent University and other vendors to obtain information about programs their sons and families can benefit from for the summer and beyond will be available.

From 6:30 to 8:30pm the program will begin with both panels beginning with the adults and will close with the youth led panel.

The event is free and open to the public.

Weeping Willow AME Zion Church is located at 2220 Milton Road, Charlotte, NC 28215.